Tag Archives: virtual library
Inquiry Untethered
Imagine a program where all learning is driven by inquiry, without the many constraints that we deal with, real or self-imposed. Inquiry can be untethered from the constraints of wired networks, school schedules, locations, access to resources, and available time. … Continue reading
Knowledge-Building Centres
Imagine students engaging in inquiry and research where learning is transparent, collaboration builds understanding, formative assessment is timely and useful, access to resources is personalized and scaffolded for success, and where students are truly engaged in deeper learning. I believe … Continue reading
Super Conference Reflections: Knowledge-Building Centres
Third in a series of reflections on my Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2012 experience. I have presented at Super Conference many times over the years, and many times with Carol Koechlin, whom I count as a mentor. Carol is … Continue reading