Collaborative Leadership in the Learning Commons
Part 1: What is a Learning Commons?
Context for Change
What Do Our Students Need?
How are kids’ needs these days different than previous generations?
What does their future look like?
What should students expect from their schools?
Contribute your thoughts by adding stickies to our Linoit bulletin board!
The Myth of the Digital Native (On your own)
Tom Whitby (ASCD Blog, September 2015): How Do We Stop Illiterate Educators?
The 21st Century Learner
Conference Board of Canada: Employability Skills 2000+
What is a Library Learning Commons?
Learning Commons Links
Together for Learning Website
Together for Learning Document
Together for Learning: Supporting Principals
T4L: Ideas for Implementation
Loertscher & Koechlin: Library to Learning Commons (Article in Education Canada)
Loertscher & Koechlin: The School Learning Commons Knowledge-Building Center
Brooks Kirkland: Transforming Library Spaces
Brooks Kirkland: The Virtual Library as a Learning Hub
Brooks Kirkland: Digital Literacy: Opportunities in the Learning Commons
Koechlin & Brooks Kirkland: Collaborative Leadership: A Learning Commons Model. ASCD Ontario, The Trillium (July 2014)
Part 2: Leading Learning with the School Library Learning Commons
The Canadian Library Association released national standards for school library learning commons in Canada at its national conference in Victoria, BC in June 2014.
Leading Learning is a transformational document. Its core theme is how the school library learning commons facilitates learning, and the document sets a framework for growth.
“All schools in Canada need to be able to develop and support excellent school libraries responsive to the diverse needs of learners today and into the future. This means that all schools large and small, urban and rural, public and private, brick and mortar or virtual, need to provide access to teaching expertise in the library as well as best resources, technologies and physical and virtual learning spaces to support learner needs as they evolve. The transitioning of the school library to school library learning commons establishes the vision and structure to address these evolving needs and encourages continuous growth.” (Leading Learning p. 7)
Learn more about Leading Learning, and download the document and bibliography at:
More Leading Learning Links
Canadian Library Association & Treasure Mountain Canada: A Vision for Canadian School Library Learning Commons

Leading Learning was released at the CLA conference in June 2014.
Treasure Mountain Canada 2014:
Saskatchewan School Library Association: Transforming School Libraries in Canada: Leading Learning from the Learning Commons
Pembina Trails School Division: New national school library standards for the 21st century officially launched
Anita Brooks Kirkland: From Hubris to Humility: Welcoming New Standards for School Libraries in Canada
Diane Oberg: Relentlessly Focused on Learning: The Role of Evaluation
Carol Koechlin & Anita Brooks Kirkland: Collaborative Leadership in the School Library Learning Commons: New Canadian Standards and New Possibilities. As presented by Dr. Diane Oberg at the International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) conference 2015.
Anita Brooks Kirkland: Leading Learning Goes International
Part 3: Moving Forward with Your Library Learning Commons
Finding Strategic Connections: Education Priorities in Manitoba

Leading Learning p. 10
“Strong leadership for the learning commons is vital to ensure sustainability and attainment of school, district and provincial/territorial student learning goals and outcomes.” (Leading Learning, p. 13). Can you make the strategic connections between the Leading Learning Framework and education priorities in Manitoba?
Manitoba Education Mandate, Mission, Vision
Manitoba Education Curriculum K-12
Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum: A Model for 21st Century Learning from K-12
Manitoba Education Bring Your Own Device Guide
Belonging, Learning & Growing: Diversity Education
River East Transcona School Division
The Big Think: What Opportunities Can the River East Transcona School Division pursue to support consistent development of School Library Learning Commons across all schools?
Some Inspiration for Collaborative Leadership from the Library Learning Commons!
And more inspiration from Winnipeg teacher-librarians!