Planning for Your
Library Learning Commons
“Learners have a right to expect good school libraries in every school in Canada. Our school libraries should reflect our common values of equity, diversity, and cultural identity as well as best approaches in the education and library professions. They should be contextually relevant to student need and success, and built, cared for, measured, renewed and sustained on an ongoing basis by their learning communities. We should position school libraries to lead learning for the future.” (Leading Learning, p. 5)
Let’s Proceed!
Principals: Collaborative Leadership in the Learning Commons
Teacher-Librarians & Library Technicians: Moving Forward with the School Library Learning Commons
Have a look at two great opportunities to tell the RETSD story as you move to a learning commons philosophy with Leading Learning.
Visit the Year of the Learning Commons website.
Read a message from Dr. David Loertscher and Carol Koechlin.
Contribute to professional knowledge about the impact of the library learning commons in Canada. Treasure Mountain Canada has a rich history of bringing together professionals who share an interest in school library research. The 2016 conference will be a full day of learning with a focus on the standards and where we go from here.
TMC2016 is on Saturday January 30, in partnership with the OLA Super Conference. The call for papers will be issued by the end of September. We’d love to hear from the RETSD.