Author Archives: Anita Brooks Kirkland
Canadian School Libraries
If you’ve checked into this blog recently you may have noticed a certain dearth of activity. I plead distraction, not inaction. For the past two years a huge portion of my attention has been directed at the formation of a … Continue reading
Looking forward to TMC5!
Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) is a research symposium and think tank that serves as an incubator for much-needed research into school library practice. The first four symposia collectively have generated close to one hundred action research and academic papers. It … Continue reading
Action is Eloquence at the DPCDSB
I’m presenting today! Action is Eloquence Leadership from the School Library Learning Commons A presentation for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Elementary Teacher-Librarian Professional Learning Session September 5, 2017 What does teacher-librarianship look like in 2017? How deep an … Continue reading