Author Archives: Anita Brooks Kirkland
Year of the Learning Commons
I am delighted to share this letter from Dr. David Loertscher and Carol Koechlin declaring April 2015 to May 2016 the Year of the Learning Commons. There are many exciting things happening in Canada’s school libraries, and I encourage you … Continue reading
ABQLA Connects the Dots
Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending the conference of L’Association des bibliothécaires du Québec / Quebec Library Association in Montréal. The theme of the conference was Libraries and Communities: Connecting the Dots, and the day did just that for … Continue reading
Stop Pretending… #MakeSchoolDifferent
I am taking up Doug Peterson’s (@dougpete) challenge to contribute to the #makeschooldifferent conversation. Here are the five things that I think we need to stop pretending. Stop pretending that levelled books and classroom libraries create lifelong readers. Early readers … Continue reading