Author Archives: Anita Brooks Kirkland
Engagement in the School Library Learning Commons
I’m speaking today! Halifax Regional School Board Professional Learning, May 13, 2016 Engagement in the School Library Learning Commons Keynote Session (9:00 -10:15) Leading Learning from the Library Learning Commons “Learners have a right to expect good school libraries in … Continue reading
Designing for Learning
I have always thought that libraries from different sectors have more in common than we think, and that we can all learn from each others’ practice. I have noticed that public, and particularly post-secondary libraries are recognizing the importance of … Continue reading
GAFE Ontario Summit
The GAFE Ontario Summit is this weekend, April 9 & 10, and it’s right here in Kitchener-Waterloo. GAFE stands for Google Apps in Education, and this Ontario event is co-hosted once again by EdTechTeam Summits and the Waterloo Region District … Continue reading