Together for Learning Website Ready for Prime Time

The Together for Learning website is live.

We are finally beginning to realize the writers’ extended vision for the landmark guideline document for Ontario’s school libraries, Together for Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons. Published in 2010 by the Ontario School Library Association, with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat, Together for Learning has already inspired widespread change and innovation in Ontario’s schools. The original vision for this project was, however, to make it a living, participatory document that would continue to support practitioners and fuel innovation.

The Ontario School Library Association is making this vision come to life. I am honoured to be a member of the T4L Project Steering Committee, planning development, gathering input from thinkers and practitioners, and bringing it to life on the web. The vision document itself is now available as webpages, bringing it to a broader audience and making it useful in new ways. The development focus over the past few months has been to gather practical ideas for implementing the vision, with resources and examples to inspire innovation. The Showcase and Supporting You sections will be developed more fully over the fall.

There are ambitious plans in place for the T4L project. Super Conference 2013 will set the stage for the launch of this extended project. Stay tuned!

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